VortexHealing® Student Healing Stories

I have 2 recent healing stories. I did one treatment on my Mother's knees and she phoned me the next week to say that she had gone from not being able to walk far to being on a treadmill for 20 mins.

I treated a woman who had a burn to her arm that had become so infected it had created a deep festering hole that was having to be packed weekly. She had had it for months and been treated with antibiotics etc. She was awaiting surgery to have it cut away and skin grafted. I did one treatment. It healed completely within four days. The nurse who had been packing it said it was a miracle.

For 27 years I had eye pressure (glaucoma). After I discovered VortexHealing, I began to treat my eyes every day. The pressure started to normalize. I stopped using the drops that I had been prescribed. The pressure normalized completely, and all the checkups done in the seven years since then indicate normal eye pressure.

At Thanksgiving, I started working with a relative who has been mentally ill since childhood. She asked me to help her get off of the medication she takes since it makes her gain weight and she is very heavy and unhappy about that. After 2.5 months, she is now almost completely medication free and has started an exercise program! Her psychiatrist is amazed (as are she and I). She wants me to continue the VortexHealing work; her goal now is to go back to school and get some training so that she might be able to get a job!

The daughters of a 98-year old woman asked for a VortexHealing session for their mother who was dying very tense, nervous, and whom they wanted to help die in peace. A distance VortexHealing session was then done. The woman is accompanied by her 2 daughters. At that very moment the lady awakens, her expression changed, she recognized her daughters and asked to be seated in the bed; drinks water and then asks to get off her bed. She received several sessions. She lived a few more months very calm, connected; and began to use her wheelchair once again. Those months were helpful to her daughters to accept the eventual death of their mother, which was very peaceful.

My wife just told me that our water has tasted very different since two days ago. She was really serious about it - like she was thinking really hard about what had happened to it. I asked if the change was for the better or worse, and she said better. Then I told her that two days ago I had put in a [VortexHealing] structure inside our water filter to optimise the quality of the water.

How is that for an unsolicited confirmation that this stuff works?!